What’s up, everyone working in car sales! I want to tell you a secret that’ll change the game for your sales team. Ready? It’s all about crafting the perfect car sales email templates.

I know, I know – you’re probably thinking, “Templates? Really?” But trust me, these aren’t your average, boring copy-and-paste jobs. With these templates in hand, you’re setting yourself up not just to meet but really connect with customers; they’re how you’ll earn trust and close plenty of deals along the way.

So, buckle up and get ready to rev up your sales engine. I’m about to share my top 10 car sales email templates that’ll have your customers racing to your dealership faster than a Ferrari on a straightaway. Let’s get started!

Table Of Contents:

Best Car Sales Email Templates

As a car salesman, I’ve seen firsthand how powerful email can be for connecting with customers and closing deals. But crafting the perfect email? It’s not always easy. That’s why I’ve put together this list of the best car sales email templates for every situation, from service reminders to trade-in offers. These templates have been battle-tested in the trenches of the car sales world, and they flat out work.

Service Reminder Email Template

A service reminder email is your chance to show customers you care about keeping their car in tip-top shape. But it’s a delicate balance – you want to be helpful without being pushy. Here’s a template that strikes the right tone:

Subject: Time for a tune-up? We’ve got you covered.

Hey [Name], I hope you’re loving your [car model]. Can you believe it’s already been [X] months since you drove it off the lot? I wanted to reach out because it looks like you might be due for some routine maintenance soon. Nothing to stress about – just a quick checkup to keep your car running smoothly.

If you’ve noticed any issues or have questions, just hit reply and let me know. I’m always here to help.

And hey, to thank you for being such a great customer, I’ve attached a coupon for [discount] off your next service.

Just schedule an appointment online or give me a call at [phone number].

Talk soon,

[Your name]

See how that email is short, friendly, and to the point? It reminds the customer about their car, offers helpful info, and throws in a special deal. That’s the winning formula.

After-Sale Follow-Up Email Template

You know that feeling right after you close a deal and the customer drives off in their shiny new car? It’s awesome. But your job isn’t done yet. Following up after the sale is crucial for building long-term relationships (and snagging those 5-star reviews). Try an email like this:

Subject: How’s your new ride treating you?

Hey [Name]. It’s [Your name] from [Dealership]. I just wanted to check in and see how you’re liking your new [car model].

I had a blast helping you find the perfect car, and I hope it’s exceeding your expectations. If there’s anything I can do to make your experience even better, just say the word.

By the way, I know you’re busy enjoying your sweet new ride, but if you get a minute, we’d really appreciate a quick review on [review site]. It helps us keep making customers like you happy.

Thanks again for choosing [Dealership]. We’re here for you anytime.


[Your name]

This email template accomplishes three key things:

1. Shows you care about the customer’s satisfaction

2. Offers additional help if needed

3. Asks for a review in a friendly, no-pressure way

Review Request Email Template

Speaking of reviews, they’re like gold in the car sales biz. But asking for them can feel awkward. The key is to make it easy for the customer and show how much you’d appreciate their feedback. Here’s a template to get you started:

Subject: Could you help us out with a quick review?

Hi [Name], I hope you’re still loving your [car model].

I was just thinking about how much fun it was [personalized detail about the sale].

If you have a minute, it would mean the world to me if you could share your experience with a quick review on [review site].

Your feedback helps us improve and keep delivering 5-star service.

But hey, if there’s anything we could’ve done better, please hit reply and let me know. I’m all ears.

Thanks for being such an awesome customer. Talk to you soon.


[Your name]

See how this email leads with a personalized memory, politely asks for a review, and invites feedback either way? That’s how you get glowing reviews (or helpful suggestions) without being salesy.

Essential Elements of Effective Car Sales Emails

So what’s the secret sauce that makes these car sales email templates so effective? After years in the auto biz, I’ve found that the best emails all have a few key things in common:


No one likes a generic, copy-paste email. Take a few minutes to personalize each message with the customer’s name, details about their car, and any other relevant info you have. Little personal touches go a long way in building real relationships.

Clear Call-to-Action

Every email should have a clear purpose. Whether you’re reminding a customer about a service appointment or asking for a review, make it obvious what action you want them to take. Use a big, bold button or a simple text link to make your call-to-action stand out. And keep it above the fold so they don’t have to scroll to find it.

Engaging Subject Lines

Your subject line is like the gatekeeper to your email. If it’s boring or spammy, your message will never get opened. Instead, write subject lines that pique curiosity, offer value, or create a sense of urgency. Keep them short (50 characters or less) and punchy. Some of my go-to formulas:

– How’s your [car feature] holding up?

– Quick question about your [car model]

– You’ve gotta see this deal on [car service]

– I thought you might like this [helpful resource]

Mobile-Friendly Design

These days, most people read email on their phones. So if your message looks funky on a small screen, it’s gonna get deleted faster than you can say “unsubscribe.” Keep your design simple, with big text and touch-friendly buttons. Avoid tiny fonts, wide images, and too many columns. And always send a test email to yourself first to make sure it looks good on mobile.

Timely Follow-Up

Timing is everything in sales. You gotta strike while the iron’s hot. For example, don’t wait too long after a sale to send your follow-up email. Aim for the next day, when the customer’s excitement is still fresh. The same goes for service reminders and other time-sensitive info. Set up automated emails to go out at regular intervals so you never miss a beat.

Crafting Compelling Subject Lines for Car Sales Emails

Let’s be real: your subject line could make or break your car sales email. It’s the first (and sometimes only) thing your customer will read. So it better be good. Here are some tips for crafting subject lines that get clicked:

Using Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency is a classic sales tactic for a reason: it works. When you make people feel like they might miss out on a great deal or limited-time offer, they’re more likely to open your email and take action. Some urgency-boosting phrases to try:

– Act fast. This deal ends tonight

– Only 3 spots left for our VIP service event

– Your [car model] misses you.

– Book a tune-up now

Just use this technique sparingly. If every email is “urgent,” your customers will catch on quick and tune out.

Asking Questions

Asking a question in your subject line is a great way to spark curiosity and get people to open your email. The key is to ask something that’s relevant to the customer and that they actually want to know the answer to.

For example:

– Curious how much your trade-in is worth?

– Want to be the first to test drive the new [car model]?

– What’s the #1 thing you love about your [car brand]?

See how those questions are all about the customer and their needs? That’s what you want.

Highlighting Benefits

At the end of the day, your customers care about what’s in it for them. So highlight the benefits of opening your email right in the subject line.

For a service reminder, you might say something like:

– Keep your [car model] running like new with this special offer

– Don’t miss this chance to save big on your next oil change.

For a review request, try:

– Help us improve. We’d love your feedback

– Share your experience and get a special thank-you gift

The more specific and enticing the benefit, the better.

Personalizing the Subject

Remember how I said personalization was key? That goes double for your subject lines. Using the customer’s name or details about their car is a surefire way to catch their eye in a crowded inbox. Check out these examples: – [Name], your [car model] deserves the best service – Hey [Name], quick question about your recent visit – [Name], check out these hot deals on [car brand] accessories Even something as simple as “Thinking of you, [Name]” can make a big impact.

Keeping It Short and Sweet

Last but not least, keep your subject lines short and punchy. Aim for 50 characters or less, so they don’t get cut off on mobile screens. If you can pack a ton of intrigue and value into just a few words, you’re golden. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth the effort. Some examples of short, snappy subject lines: – You’re invited: VIP test drive event – The reviews are in. See what customers are saying – 3 tips to keep your [car model] in top shape – We miss you. Come in for a free car wash Remember, your subject line is just the appetizer. The main course is the juicy email waiting inside.

Key Takeaway: 

Boost your car sales with these killer email templates. From friendly service reminders to after-sale check-ins and review requests, each one is crafted to engage customers and keep them coming back for more. Plus, get tips on personalizing messages, crafting catchy subject lines, and making sure every email looks great on mobile.

Optimizing Your Car Sales Email Content

You’ve got a great inventory, stellar customer service, and unbeatable offers. But are your emails doing enough to showcase all that awesomeness? Optimizing your car sales email content is key. It’s not just about cramming in your phone number or listing off every vehicle model on the lot.

Focusing on Benefits

Here’s the deal: your customers don’t care about the features nearly as much as they care about what’s in it for them. So instead of rattling off specs, highlight the benefits. Paint a picture of how much easier their life will be with that shiny new SUV with built-in navigation and a rear-view camera. Suddenly, family road trips and parallel parking become a breeze.

Using Persuasive Language

Your words have power. Wield them wisely. Swap out bland phrases like “good deal” for “unbeatable offer.” Trade “reliable” for “dependable.” These tiny tweaks make a big impact. But don’t venture into used car salesman territory. Keep it classy, not cheesy. Persuasive, not pushy.

Incorporating Social Proof

Here’s a fun fact: 92% of consumers trust peer recommendations over advertising. So let your happy customers do the talking for you. Sprinkle in some glowing testimonials or link to your stellar reviews on sites like Cars.com. Nothing builds trust like seeing real people rave about their experience with your dealership.

Addressing Common Objections

Ever had a customer who was this close to buying, but had a nagging concern holding them back? Nip those worries in the bud before they even come up. Address common objections right in your emails.

Worried about hidden fees? We believe in transparency.

Not sure if you can afford it? Check out our flexible financing options.

Providing Value

At the end of the day, your emails need to offer value. That could be an exclusive discount, a helpful car maintenance tip, or a sneak peek at new inventory. The goal is to make your emails so darn useful, your customers would be bummed if they didn’t get them. So go beyond the sales pitch and give them a reason to open every message.

Timing and Frequency of Car Sales Emails

You’ve crafted the perfect email. It’s engaging, informative, and hits all the right notes. But when you send it is just as important as what it says.

Initial Follow-Up

You know that feeling when you first meet someone special? You don’t want to come on too strong, but you also don’t want them to forget about you. Same goes for your initial follow-up email after a customer visits your dealership or website.

Strike while the iron’s hot, but don’t be a stage-five clinger. A simple “thanks for stopping by” email within 24 hours is perfect. Bonus points if you can personalize it with something you chatted about, like their favorite car color or their dog’s name.

Regular Check-Ins

The fortune is in the follow-up. But there’s a fine line between staying top-of-mind and being a pest. Space out your check-in emails every few weeks or so. A quick “thinking of you” message or a heads up about an upcoming sale keeps the conversation going without being overbearing.

Service Reminders

Your relationship with your customers doesn’t end when they drive off the lot. Nurture that bond with timely service reminders. A friendly email nudge when it’s time for an oil change or tire rotation shows you care about keeping their car in tip-top shape. It’s also a great opportunity to show off your stellar service department.

Seasonal Promotions

Everybody loves a good themed email. Capitalize on the holidays or the changing seasons with timely promotions. Got a bunch of convertibles that need to go before winter hits? Shoot out an email blast with a “top down” autumn special. Celebrating a milestone anniversary for your dealership? Invite your customers to join the festivities with an exclusive discount.

Measuring the Success of Your Car Sales Email Campaigns

You put a ton of TLC into your car sales emails. But how do you know if they’re actually working? Measuring your success is crucial for fine-tuning your strategy.

Open Rates

Your open rate is like your email’s first impression. If nobody’s opening, your amazing content doesn’t even have a chance to shine. Experiment with different subject lines to see what gets the most clicks. A/B test your heart out. And don’t be afraid to get a little creative – just steer clear of spam trigger words.

Click-Through Rates

Congrats, they opened your email. Now what? Your click-through rate (CTR) measures how many people are engaging with your content and clicking on your links. A low CTR could mean your content isn’t resonating or your call-to-action (CTA) is weak. Test out different CTAs and make sure your links are clear and compelling.

Conversion Rates

At the end of the day, the goal is to get butts in seats and keys in hands. Your conversion rate tells you how many email recipients are actually taking the next step, whether that’s scheduling a test drive or redeeming a service offer. If your conversion rates are low, take a hard look at your overall email strategy. Is your messaging on point? Are you targeting the right audience? Don’t be afraid to switch things up.

Customer Feedback

Numbers are great, but sometimes you need to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. Solicit feedback from your email subscribers to get a pulse on what’s working and what’s not. A quick survey or a “reply to this email” CTA can yield some valuable insights. Plus, it shows your customers you value their opinion and want to keep improving.

Revenue Generated

Let’s not forget the bottom line. Ultimately, your car sales email campaigns should be driving revenue for your dealership. Track how much business your emails are generating. If you’re not seeing a solid ROI, it’s time to reassess. But if your emails are consistently bringing in the big bucks, keep on keepin’ on.

Key Takeaway: 

Boost your car sales emails by highlighting benefits, using persuasive language without being pushy, and including social proof like customer testimonials. Address objections head-on, provide real value beyond the pitch, and time your follow-ups just right. Measure success through open rates, click-throughs, conversions, customer feedback, and revenue impact to keep improving.

Remember, the key to success with these templates is to make them your own. Infuse your unique personality and style into each email, and always keep your customer’s needs and interests at the forefront.Phew, that was quite the ride through the world of car sales email templates! I hope you’re feeling inspired and ready to put these templates to work for your dealership.

With these car sales email templates in your arsenal, you’re well on your way to building stronger relationships with your customers, boosting your sales, and leaving your competition in the dust. So, what are you waiting for? Start crafting those emails and watch your dealership soar!